

The Script BuildMechanism will execute a local shell script, with certain expectations. The script will run with some environment variables:

  • VERSION: The named version string passed to build-version.
  • OUTPUT_FILE: The file that the script is expected to produce.

If the file is not created by the build script, deployment will fail. Otherwise, the output file will be uploaded using the ArtifactRepository.

Sample Usage

Moonshot.config do |c|
  c.build_mechanism ='bin/')


A build mechanism that creates a tag and GitHub release. Could be used to delegate other building steps after GitHub release is created.

Sample Usage

Moonshot.config do |c|
  wait_for_travis_mechanism ="acquia/moonshot", true)
  c.build_mechanism =

skip_ci_status is an optional flag. It would allow us to skip checks on the commit's CI job status. Without this option, the GithubRelease mechanism will wait until the build is finished.

Sample Usage

Moonshot.config do |c|
  wait_for_travis_mechanism ="acquia/moonshot", true)
  c.build_mechanism =, skip_ci_status: true)

Also a command-line option is available to override this value.

Usage: moonshot build VERSION
    -v, --[no-]verbose               Show debug logging
    -s, --skip-ci-status             Skip checks on CI jobs
    -n, --environment=NAME           Which environment to operate on.
    --[no-]interactive-logger    Enable or disable fancy logging
    -F, --foo


The Travis Build Mechanism waits for Travis-CI to finish building a job matching the VERSION (see above) and the output of the travis job has to be 'BUILD=1'. Can be used to make sure that the travis job for the repository for that version actually finished before the deployment step can be executed.

Sample Usage

Moonshot.config do |c|
  # First argument is the repository as known by travis.
  # Second argument is wether or not you are using travis pro.
  c.build_mechanism ="acquia/moonshot", pro: true)

Version Proxy

@Todo Document and clarify the use-case of the Version Proxy.